Tuesday 15 September 2015

Willy Wonka's Letter

Hi all,

We had an excellent day in grade 2!

This morning we started with our spelling words all scrambled up. It was the student's responsibilty to put the words back in order. Most students were able to finish up quite quickly. Reminder to be studying your spelling words at home, the test will be on Friday.

We had our first fire drill this morning. The students were very quick to make it outside. They did an excellent job!

This morning we started a character sketch of Charlie Bucket. The students drew a picture of what they think Charlie looks like. As a group we came up with some characteristics that Charlie possesses.

Here are some of our ideas,

- Likes chocolate
- Poor
- Only gets a chocolate
bar once a year
- He has 2 sets of 
- Lives in a very small house
- Has 7 people in his family
- He is an only child

After gym today we finished our spelling. The students have had two days to work on this assignment. They were responsible for writing the word three times and then using it in a sentence. Most students are finished but some were unable to get it done. If your child is not finished they will need to get it done for homework. 

An example,

1. on on on
I went on a roller coaster. 

2. not not not
I do not like broccoli. 

This afternoon we got a special letter from Mr. Willy Wonka himself. He has asked the grade twos at Beddington Heights School for help. He is having trouble moving the chocolate bars in his factory around. He needs the grade twos to design a new machine to help him. We decided a magnet would make a great machine. 

We brainstormed some ideas about the type of machine we could make. 

- use a machine with a hand to pick up the bars
- lift car that construction people use
- controller with a button that says pick up workers or pick up chocolate. Oick up chocolate would be green. Pick up workers would be red
- make people do it and they are wearing gloves and can pick them up and put them in a box
- fishing rod
- conveyer belt that carries the chocolate bars into a box
- make another scoop
- a vacuum that sucks it up and spits it out
- an arm can push them into the box
- a giant cup that scoops up
- a box that dumps the bars into boxes
- magnets

Over the next little while we will be experimenting with magnets to decide which type of material Willy Wonka should use in his candy bar wrapper. At the end of our exploration students will have a chance to design and build a machine. 

We finished off our afternoon with some math stations. The students continued to learn about patterns, using a variety of materials the students constructed and explained their own patterns. 

Reminder, room 7 has library tomorrow. Please return your book if you haven't done so already. If your book is not returned you cannot get a new one. Also, book orders are due tomorrow and "Meet the Teacher" forms are due Thrusday.  

Have a wonderful evening! 

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