Monday 14 September 2015

Spelling Strategies

As of today, we will be starting our spelling words. Students will receive 10 new words every Monday and be expected to practice these words at home for the week. We will then have a spelling test every Friday on these words. Occasionally there will be bonus words that will be based off similar sounds or word families from the original spelling word.

Below are some suggested strategies that can be used when practicing spelling words. Feel free to try one, or all of them!

  • Mnemonic device: This is a strategy that helps our memory. We remember information best if its connected to something funny, surprising or personal. For spelling words, choose a word for each letter in a difficult word to create a funny saying or story. For example: because = Bears Eat Chicken And Usually Swallow Enough
  • Exaggerate: This is when you make something larger than it really is. It is used in spelling to highlight small words inside a larger word that is difficult to spell. For example: friEND
  • Phonic Knowledge: Is using known letter and letter cluster sounds to break down a long word that has more than one syllable. Example: dif-fer-ent
  • Generalizations: Is when you use a rule for many things. In spelling we make generalizations or group words based on what is similar about them. We will often use the sounds and letter blends in words to make generalizations. For example: should, would, could all have the ending "ould"
  • Musical Beat: This is where you make up a beat/song/rap to help you spell a word. Clapping and making actions may help you. For example: M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-u-s-e...Micky Mouse...Micky Mouse!
  • Visualizing/Memorizing: This is when you study the way a word looks and the letters that are in it. Focus on their shape, length and how they look together. You may find a double set of letters (cheese) or a letter sandwich (activity). For this process, practice makes perfect. For example: Look at the word, cover the word, visualize the word, write the word and check your spelling.
  • Rules: Some words are easy to spell because there is a rule to help you. For example: a silent 'e' makes a vowel say its own name like in same the a says its own name. We do not say sam
  • Sayings: This is when you make up a saying to remember how to spell a word. For example:
    • Piece of Pie
    • The principal is your pal

A helpful website to practice spelling words is: 
Students can type in their spelling words and play different games and even complete a spelling test

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