Monday 28 September 2015

Oompa Loompa De Doo!

Good afternoon,

This morning we got our new word wall words! We talked about word families and how we can make one word out of another. We had a chance to copy our word wall words. They should be in our home folders.

This weeks words are,

1. his
2. is
3. an
4. and
5. can
6. all
7. call
8. land
9. hand
10. small

We read another chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this morning. We were introduced to the Oompa Loompas. We looked for describing words about the Oompa Loompas. Some of them were; tiny, little, funny, as big as a doll, and they are no taller than your knee.

This afternoon we tested the last candy bar wrapper which made out of iron. It was magnetic! We discovered which wrapper to use for Mr. Wonka. Our need step was to test materials to see if magnets would move something with the material in between. We found that the magnet moved a washer through a glass and wax paper. We found sometimes the magnet would stick through a material but we could not moved it around.

We had reading buddies after science. We were able to finish our pictures or do some reading. Buddies is going really well so far. Some of our favourite parts are getting to read and make some new friends.

Reminder, forms from Parent Council are coming. If you have not returned swimming forms please return them ASAP. We need them before we go. Terry Fox run is on Wednesday. Please bring a toonie for Terry.

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