Friday 18 September 2015

Meet the teacher sign up starts tonight

This morning we had our spelling test. It was wonderful to see how well students did on their test! The words from this week will now be posted on our word wall in the classroom. Students will be expected to spell these words correctly in all of their writing. We will receive new spelling words on Monday.

We had another fire drill this afternoon. It went very well and everyone did a great job at listening and staying quiet.

This afternoon Mr. Fisher read a story book but the cover of the book was covered with a giant question mark. Our job was to practice our visualization skills. Visualization means when we picture what is happening in the story in our minds. Mr. Fisher read us parts of the story and then we had to go back to our sketchbooks and draw what the picture in our mind looked like. We will continue the story on Monday.

We talked about our magnet experiment from yesterday. We had to sort the materials we tested (plastic knife, plastic wrap, paperclip, screw, tinfoil pan, crayon, battery and wood) into magnetic or non-magnetic. We discovered that all of the items that were magnetic were made out of metal. Next week we will test different types of metal to see if all metals are magnetic.

- Casino fund break down was sent home
- Pink sheets explaining how to register for meet the teacher was sent home. Please sign up for a session on either Thursday evening or Friday morning.
- If you have not done so please return your meet the teacher form asap
- Early dismissal on Thursday
- No school Friday

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