Wednesday 23 September 2015

Swimming Forms Sent Home Today

This morning we continued our work around pillars of care. Today our focus was on care for self and care for place. To start our discussion around care for self, Mr. Fisher read us a book called "The Case of the Grumblies". In the story we met a child who would get very grumpy and angry. He learned that to get rid of his "grumbles" he could shake things out. We tried shaking different parts of our body to get rid of any grumblies we had. We talked about how caring for ourselves includes eating healthy, trying our best, recognizing our feelings or emotions and making great choices. Mr. Fisher talked about 4 different colours: blue, green, yellow and red, that we could use to describe how we are feeling during the day. Blue shows emotions like sadness, green shows emotions like happiness, yellow shows emotions like excitement and red shows emotions like anger. With care for place, we talked about how the place includes the school, our classroom, the lunchroom, the library, the office, the gym, the music room, the playground and the field. We had to picture what our perfect school or classroom would look like, and write at least 10 sentences describing what this perfect place looked like, sounds like, how we feel when we are there, who is there with us and what we can do to keep it perfect. Some ideas we came up with were:
- There was 1000 chocolates everywhere!
- Everywhere there is flowers. Even your desk is made of flowers
- There was a swimming pool in the classroom
- My teacher and my friends are in my school
- My school is as big as a tree
- My school sounds like peace and quiet
Once we were done this writing we had to write 5 more sentences about what we could do to make Beddington Heights a perfect school. We came up with great ideas like:
- planting a garden
- having a buffet or cafeteria
- having a science room for experiments
- having fresh flowers around the school
- painting the school bright colors

This afternoon we read more Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was very exciting because Charlie has just entered Willy Wonka's factory with Grandpa Joe. All Charlie could smell were delicious things like chocolate, mint, violets, blueberries and other candies. The hallways that Mr. Wonka took the tour through were very narrow and kept turning left and right. Charlie was afraid he would get lost. There were lots of juicy vocabulary words in this chapter including:
- clustered
- seizing
- enraptured
- enchanted
- perish
Ask me what some of these juicy words mean or how to use them properly in a sentence!

We finished our mystery book today. First we brainstormed potential titles we thought the book might have. Our ideas were:
- Max and Wilbur
- Max and the Angel
- Max meets his Guardian Angel
- The Guardian Angel
- The thing that flies out of the shoe
The actual title of the book was Dreamflight. Mr. Fisher re-read the book but this time showed us the pictures so we could compare the pictures we visualized to the illustrations in the book. We thought it was really cool that the person who illustrated the book used clay to make the pictures.

- Early dismissal is tomorrow. Students are dismissed at 11:00. Please make sure you still pack a snack!!
- There is no school Friday
- Please make sure you sign up for conferences 
- Our spelling test will be tomorrow morning. Make sure you practice!!
- Swimming forms were sent home today. Please complete and return the form package ASAP
- Ms. Binks's class as library tomorrow. Please bring back your books

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