Wednesday 16 September 2015

He found the golden ticket!

This morning we were asked to create a new type of candy for Willy Wonka. We wrote all about our candy and drew a picture to explain the details. Some candies that were created included:
- super sour chocolate bar
- lickable wallpaper
- candy cane shoes
- licorice pants
We are hoping that we can sell our ideas to the Wonka company and make millions!

In our novel today something very exciting happened! Charlie found a dollar bill and bought 2 delicious chocolate bars. He devoured the first chocolate bar and when he went to open the second bar something flashed before its eyes. It was the golden ticket! He found the last one. We can't wait to find out what happens when he visits Willy Wonka's factory. We were asked to write about how we would feel if we found the last golden ticket, with the challenge of using juicy descriptive words to talk about our emotions. Some words we came up with are:
- excited
- nauseous
- fantastic
- fabulous
- extraordinary
- magnificent

In science we were given numerous items to test and see if they were magnetic or non-magnetic. We talked about how if an item is magnetic, it would stick to the magnet. We had to make predictions, or best guesses, first and then test and record our observations. Ask me about items that I tested and whether they were magnetic or non-magnetic.

This afternoon we met our grade 5/6 buddies. We were given a project where we had to draw each other and then ask each other questions. Things we had in common, we wrote down in a shared thought bubble between our drawings and any differences we had we wrote down in separate thought bubbles. Some things that we had in common included:
- We both like dogs
- We both like to swim, do art and read
- We both like to play video games and watch TV
- We both have kittens, a hot tub and a pool
- We both like TV
- We both hate lemons
- We have the same eye colour
Everyone seemed very excited to spend time with their buddies.

- Ms. Binks's class has library tomorrow. Please make sure you return your library books
- Meet the teacher forms should be filled in and returned by tomorrow
- Digital citizenship forms need to be returned

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