Wednesday 9 September 2015

Moon Rock Patterns

Today we learned more about Roald Dahl. Some interesting facts we learned were:
- He was a prankster
- He got kicked out of school
- He was in the air force
- He was a spy
- He was in World War 2
- He was bron in Wales

We also read two more chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Today in our story, we learned about the first two golden ticket winners! We are wondering if Charlie will win a golden ticket.

This morning Mr. Fisher's class had library. We learned about the books we are allowed to sign out and how to use our browser cards. Library books will need to come back to school next Tuesday.

This afternoon we learned about small problems. We learned about what a small problem is and we learned nine ways to solve a small problem. We created tableaus to showcase these nine strategies.

In math we did moon rock patterns. We talked about the attributes in the patterns and the core of the patterns. Here is a link to the website if you would like to play at home:

- Remember to bring back your form for the FREE BBQ lunch. Forms are due back by Friday
- Remember to bring back your school information packages
- Please sign and fill out your Digital Citizenship
- Please remember to bring back your Chickadee magazine forms. Even if you have checked off NO. All the forms can be used to get cool new things for the classroom

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