Thursday 24 September 2015

Parent Teacher Conferences Are Tonight And Tomorrow!

This morning we had our spelling test! Lots of us got 13/13 (whoo hoo!) There still were a couple people who got tricked by the bonus words. Please make sure you are practicing word families during the week to help you with the bonus words. Our bonus words today were:
- Tap which was built off of nap
- Pig which was built off of big
- Let which was built off of pet

In science we checked off which metals we tested were magnetic and which were non-magnetic. Out of brass, copper, silver, zinc, stainless steel and aluminum NONE of the metals were magnetic! We eliminated 6 wrappers because of this discovery. There is only one wrapper left which is made out of iron. We had to predict whether this final wrapper will stick to a magnet or if we are going to have to create a brand new wrapper for Willy Wonka.

- Parent teacher conferences are tonight or tomorrow. If you have not booked a time please do so!
- Swimming forms need to be filled out and returned

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