Monday 21 September 2015

Wrapper Elimination!!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. We wrote about what we did on the weekend. We had to have 8 sentences, we had to have 3 juicy words, and we had to add in details. This included talking about how things might look, sound, smell and feel.

Room 8 had music this morning, after gym. Room 7 will have music tomorrow.

This morning we got new word wall words. We copied them down and put them in our home folders. The test will be on Thursday this week because we have no school Friday.

Here are this week's words,

1. at             6. egg
2. has           7. jam
3. fox           8. pet
4. box          9. nap
5. mix        10. big

In science, we made a prediction about which wrapper will be the last one. This afternoon we eliminated several wrappers. We eliminated wrappers 1, 2, and 9 because they were not magnetic. They were not magnetic because they were not made of metal.

We finished off our afternoon by reading another chapter from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In our chapter, the big day arrived! The Golden Ticket Finders arrived at the factory for their tour.

There is a notice going home this afternoon, it is in our home folders. Room 8 had their book orders arrive. If you ordered a book, it's on it's way home. Room 7 has spelling tests coming home this afternoon. Everyone did very well!!

Have a wonderful evening!

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