Wednesday 2 September 2015

Remember to return your forms package!

We had another great day in grade 2 today.

Today we did some writing about 2 things we think we are good at and one thing that we would like to work on. Lots of us chose to work on things like reading, spelling and math. Some of us would like to get better at sports like swimming and skateboarding. We worked in our table groups to create beautiful flowers. In the center of the flower we wrote something that everyone at our table had in common. We each got our own petal and had to write something that was unique about us. It was difficult to come up with ideas but it gave us a chance to ask each other lots of questions, especially about a few of our favorite things! Today we did an activity that Ms. Binks will be putting in a time capsule. We will be doing a few activities around math and writing that Ms. Binks will keep all year and then we will do the same activities at the end of grade 2 to see what changes we have made. Today we showed how well we could count by writing out numbers as high as we could by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10. We were given 3 minutes for each set of numbers. This afternoon we met our buddy classes in Ms. Grants class. We had to learn 6 names and something interesting about them. Lots of people were excited that their buddies had the same favourite colours and foods as them.

Please remember to return your forms package by Friday.
There were new forms sent home today in the purple folders.

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