Monday 29 February 2016

Learning About Bar Graphs

Good afternoon!

This morning we started our day with a colour puzzle. We had 4 colours (blue, green, yellow, and red) to use and they could not touch each other in the puzzle. It was challenging, but it got our brains thinking for the day.

After gym, we came back and wrote a movie reflection of Maya and the Bee. We talked about things we liked, didn't like, and what we would change if we could. After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music, while Mr. Fisher's class worked on 'anchor sentences'. When we all got together before lunch, we got our new spelling words for the week.

Group 1:


Group 2:


After lunch, we did some quiet reading and tried to work on our spelling again. We didn't quite do well on that so we switched into math. We continued learning about bar graphs and how we make them. We didn't get to practice one of our own yet, but we made one as a class.

Some students were super excited to try this on their own, so that is something we encouraged for tonight. At the very least, talking about what goes into a graph could be helpful. We will continue working on graphing throughout the week.


Any students who were assigned homework by Ms. Zimmermann are required to have that back by Wednesday, March 2. No late work will be accepted. Homework was only required because students did not use class time wisely to finish it.

Friday 26 February 2016

Happy Friday!

Good afternoon,

Today we started with Bingo, we did a very good job today of quietly listening while we were playing. After our game of Bingo we did our spelling tests.

After our spelling test, we went to gym. We did hoola hooping or skipping. Following gym, we had a snack and watched a story on the smartboard. Our story was told aloud and by someone using sign language.

To finish our day, we did a character sketch about a character from Maya and the Bee. We got choose our favourite character from the movie. We had to include their strengths, weekness, and characteristics.

Fun lunch is on Monday!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday 25 February 2016

Field Trip Day

Good afternoon!

Today was a fun day! We started the morning with gym before we left for our field trip to Landmark Cinemas. We saw the movie Maya and the Bee which was about a bee who was different from the rest and how she made friends with all the other bugs in the meadow... even the dung beetle.

We got back during lunch, so students ate in the classrooms and went outside before their afternoon of learning. When they came in, we did some quiet reading. We then did a continuation of yesterday's science learning about hot and cold. Finally, we finished the day with some time outside in this lovely weather.


Tomorrow is EARLY DISMISSAL (11am)! No lunch is necessary, but we will have snack time.

Fun Lunch is on Monday, February 29th.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Math and Science

Good afternoon!

We welcomed a guest teacher this morning, and Ms. Mesheau joined us during the afternoon while Mr. Fisher was away.

We started with task cards this morning, and after gym we continued to finish our math test. If we had completed our test, we started working on a rough draft of a letter.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class had some show and tell and finished up late work. Homework will be sent home at the end of the week for anything outstanding. Due to the field trip tomorrow, Ms. Zimmermann's and Mr. Fisher's classes went to library together today. It was a last minute decision and students who forgot library books at home will be able to swap book tomorrow morning before we leave if we like.

After lunch, we toured the Grade 3/4 class during silent reading to observe what it should look and sound like. When we got back to class, we practiced silent reading before starting math. We explored graphs and what things we need to include. We then moved into a science lesson about hot and cold. We will continue this tomorrow afternoon.


Field trip is TOMORROW!

Fun Lunch is on Monday, February 29th... not tomorrow as the original envelopes stated.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Pink Shirt Day!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by finishing our spelling from yesterday. Most students were able to complete it during the time allotted.

In gym we continued with basketball. We are learning how to dribble and control the ball.

After gym, we finished working on our math tests. Many students are complete their test. If your child is not done, they will be given more time to finish.

After recess, room 8 had music and room 7 watched a video on the smartboard. The video tied into our pink shirt day. When room 8 returned from music we read a story about bullies. We talked about how we can show care for others in school.

After lunch, we did our quiet read.

For the rest of the afternoon, we worked on language arts. We learned another thing good readers do, making inferences. We learned that to infer means to figure out what the author is saying because sometimes the author doesn't tell us everything. We made some inferences as a class and then in small groups.

Pink shirt day is tomorrow! Please where a pink shirt if you have it. If not, feel free to wear any other pink items.

Field trip is on Thursday! Please return your form if you have not done so yet.

BHS is starting a community library. It will be in the school foyer. It is take a book, leave a book. We would love some book donations to get us started.

Room 7 has library tomorrow.

Mr. Fisher will be away tomorrow, we will have a guest teacher in.

Have a great afternoon!

Monday 22 February 2016

Care for Others and Place

Good afternoon!

Students noticed that all our books had been moved out of the classroom and put away. Unfortunately, the books we have bought for our classrooms have been mistreated by students and are quite damaged (ripped pages, pages falling out, drawing in books, etc.). We spoke to the students about this and told them that if it kept happening, the books would be taken away. Here we are. The books may be returned, but in the interim, only library books are allowed to be read during class time.

This resulted in our morning activity, where students wrote about what care for place and care for others looks like both in and out of the school community.

When we came back from gym, we worked further discussed kindness in preparation for Pink Shirt Day which we celebrate on Wednesday to bring awareness to anti-bullying.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class did a Self-Assessment surrounding their job research in Social Studies while Mr. Fisher's class went to music. When we all came together before lunch, we introduced the new spelling words for the week. Check out the lists below:

Group 1:


Group 2:


Our spelling test will be on Friday! Study up!

After lunch, we gathered for some silent reading before spending the next hour on our Math Review/Test which was all about 2D and 3D Shapes!


Permission forms for the field are PAST DUE! Please return TOMORROW!

Pink Shirt Day is Wednesday, February 24th... that is THIS WEDNESDAY! We encourage all students to wear a pink shirt in support of anti-bullying!

Field Trip is on Thursday, February 25th! We will be leaving at 9AM and returning during LUNCH.

EARLY DISMISSAL is this Friday, February 26th! Students will be let out at 11:00AM.

Friday 19 February 2016

Finishing up 3D!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with BINGO! We used words from both of our spelling groups. After BINGO we did our spelling test. Both groups drew a picture while the others took their test.

After spelling we went to gym. We continued with our fitness.

Following gym, we planned for our final activity for 3D shapes. We were given a certain number of shapes and had to create a plan for how we would build something using them. The students came up with some pretty awesome ideas.

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 took a movement break. For the last half an hour before lunch we finished our planning for our final project.

Following lunch, we did our quiet read.

For the rest of the afternoon, we worked on a project to finish our 3D shapes unit. We created houses using cookies. We had several different shapes we had to incorporate. The projects turned out amazing!

Next week is our field trip. Please return you signed forms on Monday.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Faces, Edges and Vertices!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. We finished our spelling from yesterday. After that, we had gym. We are working on fitness in gym. Today we worked in teams to do our fitness activities.

After gym, we did math. We were given several 3D shapes. We had to guess which parts our our shapes were edges, which were the faces, and which were the vertices. Then we shared our guesses at the carpet.

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 did some work around pillars of care. Following that, room 7 had library while room 8 did ketchup.

Following lunch, we did our quiet read. We are up to reading for a full 20 minutes.

Once we finished reading, we continued working on math. We learned the definitions of face, edges, and vertices. After we learned our definitions we worked in partners to find them on our shapes. We counted the faces, edges, and vertices.

100 Days & Job Fair

We apologize for the missing blog post from yesterday. Our server crashed after school and we were unable to post. It is now up in case anyone would like to see it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy 100 Days of School. Today was SUPER busy, but also SUPER fun.

We started our Morning Activity by working on 3D Shapes, and what edges, vertices, and faces are. Once we completed our predictions, we met as a class and went over them together.

After gym, we worked on our Social Studies research in order to be prepared for our job fair this afternoon. When we came in from recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class continued working on research. Mr. Fisher's class continued there research after music, and Ms. Zimmermann's class went to library.

This afternoon, we spent learning about all kinds of different jobs! We learned what everyone else wanted to be and what each job would look like. We had a couple special guests, a dental hygienist and a plumber. Our police officer also popped in to say hello! Thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to visit us.

Before we get to reminders, the Grade 1 and 2 classes are going on a field trip next Thursday, February 25th, 2016 to see Maya and the Bee Movie at Landmark Cinemas 16. The trip itinerary and permission forms were sent home with your child TODAY! We would like these forms back ASAP! If you are able to join us as a volunteer, we would greatly appreciate the assistance.


PJ Day is TOMORROW! Your child is allowed to wear their pajamas to school as part of their reward for filling the home reading marble jar.

Fun Lunch orders are DUE TOMORROW! If you would like your child to participate, please send back the envelope that was sent home.

Please return the permission and volunteer forms by Monday at the latest, tomorrow would be ideal.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Day 98 of Grade 2

Welcome back after a lovely 5 day weekend.

We had a pretty busy day and everyone seemed to have a great weekend off from school. We wrote in our journals about how we spent our 5 days! After gym, we did some more work surrounding nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

When we came in from recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class continued finishing up some math work. Mr. Fisher's class joined after music.

After lunch, we did some silent reading and spent most of the afternoon learning our new spelling words for the week. They should be practiced leading up to our spelling test on Friday.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 100 Days Homework. We are still missing a few and will accept them up until Thursday. If they do not come back, it will be considered incomplete.


Fun Lunch Orders are due back Friday, February 19th. Please return the envelope if interested.

Our PJ Day is this Friday, February 19th. This is only for Mr. Fisher's and Ms. Zimmermann's
classes - it is not a school wide event.

Outstanding Report Card envelopes... we are still missing a few. Please sign and return ASAP.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Happy Long Weekend

Happy Wednesday afternoon all.

This morning, we worked on Task Cards and did the Review Spelling Test for the kids who did not do theirs last Friday.

When we came back from gym, we read a story and talked about the nouns, verbs, and adjectives we heard.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music and caught up on some outstanding work, while Mr. Fisher's class worked on questioning and went to Library.

When we came in from lunch, we found a bunch of shapes on our desk. We spent the rest of the afternoon sorting objects and learning about graphing. We ended the day with a dance party.

Please be on the lookout for the Hundred's Day Homework we sent home. We sent home a letter and a heart template for the kids to cut out and decorate during their 5 day weekend. This heart represents the 100 days of school we will be celebrating next Thursday, February 18th. Please encourage your child to complete this, it it important to us. It's also a great opportunity to practice counting to 100.


Fun lunch envelopes went home yesterday and today, the are due back next Friday, February 19th.

Please remember that Friday, February 19th is also PJ Day for Grade 2 to celebrate filling our marble jar for home reading.

Enjoy your super long weekend! =)

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Back to Reading Buddies

Good afternoon!

This morning, we practiced adjectives by underlining them in a sentence, and making our own sentences using them. We went to gymnastics again this morning and when we got back we worked on asking questions. It is important to ask questions to find out more information and help with problem solving.

When we all got together again before lunch, we worked on a new letter blend.

After lunch, we continued with our silent reading. We finally met with our Reading Buddies again. We were only able to meet for a short while, but it was great to see them again. We will see them regularly from now on.

In other news, our Home Reading marble jar was full as of Friday. Yesterday we took a vote about how we would like to celebrate. Our choices were:

1. Pajama Day
2. Popcorn and a movie
3. Free time

The votes are in and we have chosen PJ Day! We will celebrate this next Friday, February 19th!


Tomorrow is the last day of school until next Tuesday! That means a 5 day weekend for students!

Book orders... the last day to bring them in is tomorrow! Please return any outstanding report card envelopes as well.

Monday 8 February 2016

Happy Chinese New Year!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with a journal entry. We are getting quite good at writing at least 6 sentences. Many students are now able to finish that quickly. We are also getting good at using our writing checklist.

After gym, we watched a video about Chinese New Years. We learned about all of the animals and what animal we are. Most students were either a rat or an ox.

After recess, room 8 had music and room 7 took a movement break and did some ketchup. When room 8 came back from music we read a story called The Run Away Wok which was a Chinese New Year Story.

This afternoon we did quiet reading and partner reading. For the rest of our afternoon we worked on a visual  representation. We read a poem about Chinese New Year and the students had to draw a picture that connected to each line in the poem.

To finish the afternoon, we did a movement break. We also talked about our reward for our home reading. We have filled our jar! We will reveal our reward tomorrow.

Reminders, it's a very short week. No school on Thursday or Friday!

Have a good afternoon!

Friday 5 February 2016

Spelling Review!

Happy Friday!

We had a fun Friday today, and did lots of work. We practiced questioning this morning... it helps us to better understand a story and things we learn. We use the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why) and the H (how).

After gym, we learned all about adjectives and how they are words that describe something. We used the example of a mouse and came up with words like cute, fluffy, tall, big, little, tiny, sharp (nails), etc. Then we practiced by comparing nouns, verbs, and adjectives in different sentences.

We worked on some health after recess and different types of healthy foods we like to eat. We also earned some time to play with our play dough before lunch.

After lunch, we did silent reading and our 50 word spelling test. It is worth noting that we do not send home a list of the 50 words during Review Week; these are words we have already practiced.
We finished the day with an art activity that helped us practice our writing.


Book order forms should be back by Wednesday, February 10th.

Enjoy your weekend! =)

Wednesday 3 February 2016

3D Shapes

Good afternoon,

This morning we worked on word creation for morning activity. We had to roll a dice and create some words. We were supplied with the endings and had to come up with the first letter.

After morning activity, we worked on problem solving. We learned that there are different types of problems, some big and some small. We came up with a list of different types of problems and some appropriate reactions.

We used this chart to help us. We are going to be using this in the classroom to help us solve some of our own problems. 

After gym, we finished our problem solving work. 

Following recess room 7 had music and learning commons while room 8 worked on health. 

This afternoon we started with quiet reading. 

After quiet reading we worked on math. This afternoon we began our unit on 3D shapes. We identified some 3D shapes and found some in our classroom. We played a game where we found a shape in the classroom. After that, we walked around the school to find 3D shapes. 

To finish our afternoon, we did a big clean up. 


Room 8 has learning commons tomorrow. Please bring back your books. 
Dance club forms are due ASAP! The club begins on Friday. Report card envelopes must be returned to the school, the report card stays at home. 

Have a great evening!

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Back to School Tuesday

Good afternoon all, we hope you enjoyed an extra long weekend.

This morning, students came in to find the classroom had changed over the weekend. Mr. Fisher's class now all sit in rows and Ms. Zimmermann's class all sits in groups. It was quite the change! Some new artwork was also hung, and everyone gets to admire their hard work.

Before gymnastics, we wrote a journal entry about how we all spend our long weekend. We have a new instructor in gymnastics for this week and she taught us the bear pose! After we came back from gym, we learned that this week we have a Review Week for spelling... that means 50 words!

When we came in from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music while Mr. Fisher's class worked on organizing all their work. We spent the rest of the time before lunch working on reviewing our 50 words.

After lunch, we did some quiet reading and worked on completing our 2D shape art. We were working on creating some characters from The One and Only Ivan, but we didn't get a chance to finish it last time.

With all that cut and pasting, our classroom was pretty messy so we cleaned up before home time!


Report card envelopes need to be signed and returned as soon as possible.
Grade 2 Dance Club starts FRIDAY... permission forms are due back this week.

New book order forms were sent home today, we would like to have them back by Wednesday, February 10, 2016.