Wednesday 24 February 2016

Math and Science

Good afternoon!

We welcomed a guest teacher this morning, and Ms. Mesheau joined us during the afternoon while Mr. Fisher was away.

We started with task cards this morning, and after gym we continued to finish our math test. If we had completed our test, we started working on a rough draft of a letter.

After recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class had some show and tell and finished up late work. Homework will be sent home at the end of the week for anything outstanding. Due to the field trip tomorrow, Ms. Zimmermann's and Mr. Fisher's classes went to library together today. It was a last minute decision and students who forgot library books at home will be able to swap book tomorrow morning before we leave if we like.

After lunch, we toured the Grade 3/4 class during silent reading to observe what it should look and sound like. When we got back to class, we practiced silent reading before starting math. We explored graphs and what things we need to include. We then moved into a science lesson about hot and cold. We will continue this tomorrow afternoon.


Field trip is TOMORROW!

Fun Lunch is on Monday, February 29th... not tomorrow as the original envelopes stated.

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