Monday 8 February 2016

Happy Chinese New Year!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with a journal entry. We are getting quite good at writing at least 6 sentences. Many students are now able to finish that quickly. We are also getting good at using our writing checklist.

After gym, we watched a video about Chinese New Years. We learned about all of the animals and what animal we are. Most students were either a rat or an ox.

After recess, room 8 had music and room 7 took a movement break and did some ketchup. When room 8 came back from music we read a story called The Run Away Wok which was a Chinese New Year Story.

This afternoon we did quiet reading and partner reading. For the rest of our afternoon we worked on a visual  representation. We read a poem about Chinese New Year and the students had to draw a picture that connected to each line in the poem.

To finish the afternoon, we did a movement break. We also talked about our reward for our home reading. We have filled our jar! We will reveal our reward tomorrow.

Reminders, it's a very short week. No school on Thursday or Friday!

Have a good afternoon!

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