Friday 19 February 2016

Finishing up 3D!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with BINGO! We used words from both of our spelling groups. After BINGO we did our spelling test. Both groups drew a picture while the others took their test.

After spelling we went to gym. We continued with our fitness.

Following gym, we planned for our final activity for 3D shapes. We were given a certain number of shapes and had to create a plan for how we would build something using them. The students came up with some pretty awesome ideas.

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 took a movement break. For the last half an hour before lunch we finished our planning for our final project.

Following lunch, we did our quiet read.

For the rest of the afternoon, we worked on a project to finish our 3D shapes unit. We created houses using cookies. We had several different shapes we had to incorporate. The projects turned out amazing!

Next week is our field trip. Please return you signed forms on Monday.

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