Tuesday 2 February 2016

Back to School Tuesday

Good afternoon all, we hope you enjoyed an extra long weekend.

This morning, students came in to find the classroom had changed over the weekend. Mr. Fisher's class now all sit in rows and Ms. Zimmermann's class all sits in groups. It was quite the change! Some new artwork was also hung, and everyone gets to admire their hard work.

Before gymnastics, we wrote a journal entry about how we all spend our long weekend. We have a new instructor in gymnastics for this week and she taught us the bear pose! After we came back from gym, we learned that this week we have a Review Week for spelling... that means 50 words!

When we came in from recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music while Mr. Fisher's class worked on organizing all their work. We spent the rest of the time before lunch working on reviewing our 50 words.

After lunch, we did some quiet reading and worked on completing our 2D shape art. We were working on creating some characters from The One and Only Ivan, but we didn't get a chance to finish it last time.

With all that cut and pasting, our classroom was pretty messy so we cleaned up before home time!


Report card envelopes need to be signed and returned as soon as possible.
Grade 2 Dance Club starts FRIDAY... permission forms are due back this week.

New book order forms were sent home today, we would like to have them back by Wednesday, February 10, 2016.

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