Thursday 18 February 2016

Faces, Edges and Vertices!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with morning activity. We finished our spelling from yesterday. After that, we had gym. We are working on fitness in gym. Today we worked in teams to do our fitness activities.

After gym, we did math. We were given several 3D shapes. We had to guess which parts our our shapes were edges, which were the faces, and which were the vertices. Then we shared our guesses at the carpet.

After recess, room 8 had music while room 7 did some work around pillars of care. Following that, room 7 had library while room 8 did ketchup.

Following lunch, we did our quiet read. We are up to reading for a full 20 minutes.

Once we finished reading, we continued working on math. We learned the definitions of face, edges, and vertices. After we learned our definitions we worked in partners to find them on our shapes. We counted the faces, edges, and vertices.

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