Wednesday 10 February 2016

Happy Long Weekend

Happy Wednesday afternoon all.

This morning, we worked on Task Cards and did the Review Spelling Test for the kids who did not do theirs last Friday.

When we came back from gym, we read a story and talked about the nouns, verbs, and adjectives we heard.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class had music and caught up on some outstanding work, while Mr. Fisher's class worked on questioning and went to Library.

When we came in from lunch, we found a bunch of shapes on our desk. We spent the rest of the afternoon sorting objects and learning about graphing. We ended the day with a dance party.

Please be on the lookout for the Hundred's Day Homework we sent home. We sent home a letter and a heart template for the kids to cut out and decorate during their 5 day weekend. This heart represents the 100 days of school we will be celebrating next Thursday, February 18th. Please encourage your child to complete this, it it important to us. It's also a great opportunity to practice counting to 100.


Fun lunch envelopes went home yesterday and today, the are due back next Friday, February 19th.

Please remember that Friday, February 19th is also PJ Day for Grade 2 to celebrate filling our marble jar for home reading.

Enjoy your super long weekend! =)

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