Wednesday 3 February 2016

3D Shapes

Good afternoon,

This morning we worked on word creation for morning activity. We had to roll a dice and create some words. We were supplied with the endings and had to come up with the first letter.

After morning activity, we worked on problem solving. We learned that there are different types of problems, some big and some small. We came up with a list of different types of problems and some appropriate reactions.

We used this chart to help us. We are going to be using this in the classroom to help us solve some of our own problems. 

After gym, we finished our problem solving work. 

Following recess room 7 had music and learning commons while room 8 worked on health. 

This afternoon we started with quiet reading. 

After quiet reading we worked on math. This afternoon we began our unit on 3D shapes. We identified some 3D shapes and found some in our classroom. We played a game where we found a shape in the classroom. After that, we walked around the school to find 3D shapes. 

To finish our afternoon, we did a big clean up. 


Room 8 has learning commons tomorrow. Please bring back your books. 
Dance club forms are due ASAP! The club begins on Friday. Report card envelopes must be returned to the school, the report card stays at home. 

Have a great evening!

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