Friday 5 February 2016

Spelling Review!

Happy Friday!

We had a fun Friday today, and did lots of work. We practiced questioning this morning... it helps us to better understand a story and things we learn. We use the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why) and the H (how).

After gym, we learned all about adjectives and how they are words that describe something. We used the example of a mouse and came up with words like cute, fluffy, tall, big, little, tiny, sharp (nails), etc. Then we practiced by comparing nouns, verbs, and adjectives in different sentences.

We worked on some health after recess and different types of healthy foods we like to eat. We also earned some time to play with our play dough before lunch.

After lunch, we did silent reading and our 50 word spelling test. It is worth noting that we do not send home a list of the 50 words during Review Week; these are words we have already practiced.
We finished the day with an art activity that helped us practice our writing.


Book order forms should be back by Wednesday, February 10th.

Enjoy your weekend! =)

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