Tuesday 16 February 2016

Day 98 of Grade 2

Welcome back after a lovely 5 day weekend.

We had a pretty busy day and everyone seemed to have a great weekend off from school. We wrote in our journals about how we spent our 5 days! After gym, we did some more work surrounding nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

When we came in from recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class continued finishing up some math work. Mr. Fisher's class joined after music.

After lunch, we did some silent reading and spent most of the afternoon learning our new spelling words for the week. They should be practiced leading up to our spelling test on Friday.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 100 Days Homework. We are still missing a few and will accept them up until Thursday. If they do not come back, it will be considered incomplete.


Fun Lunch Orders are due back Friday, February 19th. Please return the envelope if interested.

Our PJ Day is this Friday, February 19th. This is only for Mr. Fisher's and Ms. Zimmermann's
classes - it is not a school wide event.

Outstanding Report Card envelopes... we are still missing a few. Please sign and return ASAP.

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