Thursday 18 February 2016

100 Days & Job Fair

We apologize for the missing blog post from yesterday. Our server crashed after school and we were unable to post. It is now up in case anyone would like to see it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy 100 Days of School. Today was SUPER busy, but also SUPER fun.

We started our Morning Activity by working on 3D Shapes, and what edges, vertices, and faces are. Once we completed our predictions, we met as a class and went over them together.

After gym, we worked on our Social Studies research in order to be prepared for our job fair this afternoon. When we came in from recess, Mr. Fisher's class went to music, while Ms. Zimmermann's class continued working on research. Mr. Fisher's class continued there research after music, and Ms. Zimmermann's class went to library.

This afternoon, we spent learning about all kinds of different jobs! We learned what everyone else wanted to be and what each job would look like. We had a couple special guests, a dental hygienist and a plumber. Our police officer also popped in to say hello! Thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to visit us.

Before we get to reminders, the Grade 1 and 2 classes are going on a field trip next Thursday, February 25th, 2016 to see Maya and the Bee Movie at Landmark Cinemas 16. The trip itinerary and permission forms were sent home with your child TODAY! We would like these forms back ASAP! If you are able to join us as a volunteer, we would greatly appreciate the assistance.


PJ Day is TOMORROW! Your child is allowed to wear their pajamas to school as part of their reward for filling the home reading marble jar.

Fun Lunch orders are DUE TOMORROW! If you would like your child to participate, please send back the envelope that was sent home.

Please return the permission and volunteer forms by Monday at the latest, tomorrow would be ideal.

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