Wednesday 4 May 2016

All About Mental Health

Hats ON to Mental Health was a great success in our classroom. Thank you to everyone who participated in ending the stigma surrounding this.

We started our morning with quiet reading before doing an activity in connection with mental health awareness. The activity was called, What's in Your Heart? and it involved us sectioning off portions of a heart and filling it with different things that we carry with us everyday. Some of us put down joy, love, family, frustration, and worried. Some sections took up more space in our hearts than others.

After outdoor gym, we continued working on filling our hearts. We took the last few minutes before recess to read more of our novel, Silverwing.

When we came inside, Mr. Fisher's class went to music and library while Ms. Zimmermann's class worked on an art project and finished up some other work.

We continued with quiet reading after lunch, before we moved into math. We played our Greedy Pig game that we learned about yesterday. I have included the game again today
(please check your internet settings if you are unable to access the game OR search: Gettysburg The Game of Pig) for anyone who'd like to play.

Greedy Pig

After math, we did some more work regarding mental health and it's importance. We did an activity surrounding the Zones of Regulation which highlights what the different colours mean, as well as the different tools we can use to help move us out of that particular zone.

RED: angry, mad, frustrated, out of control

YELLOW: worried, excited, nervous, scared, stressed out

GREEN: happy, joyful, ready to learn, calm

BLUE: sad, embarrassed, sick, awkward, lonely, tired


REMINDERS (there are a lot today):

Ms. Zimmermann's class has library tomorrow... PLEASE remember to bring your books back!

As the weather has been nice as of late, we have been having outdoor Phys. Ed.
PLEASE make sure your child has APPROPRIATE footwear (i.e. running shoes, NOT flip flops or open sandals). Proper footwear is important for safety, and students will not be allowed to participate without.

Mavericks will be selling popcorn again to finish their fundraising commitment to Free the Children starting on Monday, May 9th at LUNCH RECESS outside. They will sell every Monday until they are sold out. Popcorn is $2.00 a bag.

Parent Council has a message regarding the notice that was sent home for the Bottle Drive:

School Council is in great need of volunteer drivers and collectors to help with this Saturday’s bottle drive.   Proceeds will go to fund the Grade 6 Farewell evening. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Meghan Cooper (403) 613-1516 or If you are unable to volunteer, but have bottles/cans to contribute, you are welcome to drop them at the school parking lot on Saturday, May 7 between 9 AM & 3 PM, or leave a marked bag on your doorstep for pickup. Thank you!

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