Wednesday 18 May 2016

Whirlwind Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

What a busy day we had today. We had a guest teacher in for Mr. Fisher this morning, and her name was Ms. Hunter. Quiet reading was the first thing on the agenda for today and then we worked on drawing and writing what worm homes look like. When we came back from Phys. Ed, we continued with our worm work before reading some of our novel Silverwing before recess.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class listened to a story and did some catch up work while Mr. Fisher's class went to music and then library.

We continued with quiet reading after lunch before learning more about worms. Today was our last day studying worms, and we talked about why worms are important and what they eat. Some super cool facts were that worms can eat 10 tons of food in a year, and they can survive without food for up to 2 months.

We also had Buddies today where we played a math battle outside. We had just enough time to clean up our classrooms before we got ready to go home.


TOMORROW is our Spelling Test. Ms. Zimmermann's class also has library tomorrow. Please remember your books.

TOMORROW is the Teachers vs. Students Hockey Game. Those who are PARTICIPATING may wear a sports jersey of their choice.

TOMORROW is Early Dismissal (11am), and there is NO SCHOOL on Friday and Monday!

Fun Lunch forms are due back by Wednesday, June 1.

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