Friday 27 May 2016

Back to Normal Friday

Good evening everyone! I apologize for the late post.

We started our morning with some quiet reading and practiced some addition and subtraction problems before gym. We continued to work on this after we came back.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class did math and science work while Mr. Fisher's class went to music. When we were all together before lunch, we did our spelling test.

We continued with quiet reading after lunch, before Ms. Binks joined us to teach us some double digit addition strategies. We learned some of these strategies for single digit addition, but we also learned some new ones to help us with the bigger numbers. We practiced using these strategies until it was time to go home!

PLEASE be on the lookout for the Storybook Theatre field trip forms that were sent home TODAY! We would like the permission slips returned on Monday, May 30th with the $5.00 per student cost. If you are able to volunteer, please ensure you fill out that section of the form as well. Volunteers will be contacted on Monday night. 


Fun Lunch envelopes are due back on Wednesday, June 1st. This will be the last one of the year!

Our school is voting on what we want to dress up as for SPIRIT DAY which will be held on Wednesday, June 22nd. All students who choose to donate to the Fort McMurrary Families will be able to dress up on Spirit Day. Donations are to be submitted by Monday, May 30th in order for the Red Cross to match all of our donations.

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