Thursday 12 May 2016

More Subtraction.

Good afternoon!

We had a guest teacher in for Mr. Fisher today and her name was Ms. Hicks! We started our morning with some quiet reading, before working on 3 task cards with a partner. When we came back from gym, we continued working on our task cards before reading more of our novel, Silverwing.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class did some yoga while Room 7 went to music. When we all gathered before lunch, we did some catch up!

We did some more quiet reading after lunch, before moving into more subtraction. We read a book called Subtraction Action and solved the questions as we read through the book. Some questions were tricky, like the fill in the blank ones... but Ms. Binks did some magic and showed us how to turn that into an addition question.

For example:

_____ - 6 = 9 CAN BE TURNED INTO...  9 + 6 = ______

We did a quick clean up before we got ready to go home!


Spring Carnival is TONIGHT from 6 to 8.

Review spelling test TOMORROW... that's 50 words!

Scholastic Orders are due back TOMORROW!

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