Wednesday 11 May 2016


Good afternoon,

This morning we started with a quiet read, then we did a partner read.

After that, we had gym. Today we started Badminton.

After gym, we worked on ketchup. We are really focusing on finishing some outstanding work as we get closer to the end of the year.

Following recess, room 8 had music while room 7 continued to work on ketchup.

When room 8 came back from music, room 7 went to the library.

After lunch, we read quietly. Room 8 went to library this afternoon because the learning commons will not be available tomorrow.

When room 8 came back from library, we started on subtraction. We answered the question, "what is subtraction?" We came up with a pretty good list.

We will be continuing to practice addition and subtraction until the end of the year.

Reminder, book orders are due Friday!

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