Monday 9 May 2016

Another Language Monday

Happy Monday! We hope all our mom's had a FANTASTIC Mother's Day with their families.
It seems Friday's blog wasn't posted on time due to an issue with our server... it was however posted early this morning. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We started our morning with some quiet reading before we wrote 6 sentences in our journals about how we spent our weekend and what we did to celebrate the mom's in our lives. We stayed inside for gym today because it was cool outside. When we got back from gym, we continued working on our journal writing.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music, while Mr. Fisher's class read a story. When we all got together before lunch, we reviewed our 50 spelling words for this weeks test before using 3 different strategies to practice our words.

We did some more quiet reading after lunch, but we had to stop a couple times because it seems that we forgot how to read by ourselves, quietly at our spots. We then moved on to working on number line addition. Number lines are just one of the many strategies we used to help us add 2 numbers together, so we learned how to use them properly when adding big numbers together. Ask your child to show you how they use a number line!

Before cleaning up to go home, we worked on some language. We've been trying to use more juicy words in our writing, so we learned about a new strategy called Triple Scoop Words. These words get bigger and better with each scoop. For example... the word cold would be a one scoop word, where as frigid would be a triple scoop word.


Scholastic Orders are to be returned with payment no later than this Friday, May 13th!

Mavericks will be selling popcorn again to finish their fundraising commitment to Free the Children starting on Monday, May 9th at LUNCH RECESS outside. They will sell every Monday until they are sold out. Popcorn is $2.00 a bag.

The Calgary Board of Education is committed to providing students and staff with a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. With this in mind, the CBE is creating a system-wide Student Code of Conduct (Administrative Regulation 6005) with input from students, parents and CBE employees. This new code of conduct will apply to all CBE schools, and beginning in the 2016/17 school year, individual schools will no longer have their own codes of conduct. All CBE students are expected to abide by the new system regulation, which will be posted to our Administrative Regulation page

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