Tuesday 3 May 2016

Math and Sunshine

We kicked off our morning with some quiet reading, before we continued working on our journal writing from yesterday. 

We went outside again for Phys. Ed today and practiced throwing a football. When we came inside, we continued working on our journal writing before we read some more of our new book, Silverwing.

After recess, Ms. Zimmermann's class went to music, while Mr. Fisher's class listened to a story. When we were all together before lunch, we continued to work on our Inuit Art and some other unfinished work.

We decided to go outside for our quiet reading this afternoon. We found some shady spots by the trees and read for a little while. When we came back inside, we worked on our addition strategies before learning about The Game of Pig (or Greedy Pig). You can find an online version at the following website, but the computer does all the addition for you...

Tomorrow, we will play this game while rolling dice and keeping score to see who our Grade 2 winners will be. 


Tomorrow is Hats ON for Mental Health. You can wear ANY (appropriate) hat you like to support ending the stigma around mental health. 

Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow! Please bring in your books if you'd like to take some new ones out.

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