Wednesday 18 November 2015

Blue Shirt Day Tomorrow

This morning we worked on task cards to practice our spelling words. Reminder: our spelling test is tomorrow due to no school on Friday! Please make sure you are practicing the tricky words that don't match our regular spelling rules like some and come. Make sure you are practicing rhyming words and homophones for the spelling words since they will likely be bonus words!

We watched a few short videos today about bullying. We talked about how bullying is when one or more people continually bother someone and hurt them physically or emotionally. We talked about a bullying pledge and repeated it. The bully blocker pledge is:
- I will not bully other students
- I will help students who are being bullied by speaking out and getting adult help
- I will include students who are left out

As part of bully awareness week our classes are adding on to ideas in the Learning Commons about how we can make Beddington Heights a bully free school. Ask me to share to some of my ideas!

This afternoon we had to use our background knowledge to try and decide how big 1 foot is. The reason we are talking about using feet for measurement is because Ivan's domain is 40 feet by 40 feet. Some items we thought showed 1 foot were:
- markers
- glue stick
- marble jar
- middle bin
- books
We will continue to use our measurement skills to determine the actual size of Ivan's domain in the upcoming weeks.

This afternoon we had a special surprise...Mr. Willy Wonka wrote back to Ms. Binks! He sent his letter in a golden envelope and sent some gifts of gratitude...Wonka candy! We were all very excited to hear back from Mr. Wonka. Students who wrote to him were told to put the candy in their backpack and show it to parents when they got home before eating it. A picture of the envelope is below:

- Blue shirt day to show support for anti-bullying is tomorrow
- Ms. Binks class has library
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Please bring back home reading sheets for marbles tomorrow
- Ms. Binks class had forms sent home about new tshirts and hoodies to order if interested
- Dental forms need to be returned by November 25

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