Tuesday 17 November 2015

Home Reading Program...For All The Marbles

Today we started our home reading program. Each student was given a ziplock bag with a pink booklet, a white tracking sheet and 2 books from the classroom home reading collection. Students are responsible for reading at least 20 minutes per night. Students may read their home reading leveled books as well as library books, books from home or other resources.

Each student chose 2 books that are leveled for their reading. If students find that these books are too easy or too difficult, they may let their teacher know and we will adjust the level accordingly.

The white tracking sheet should be completed each time a student reads. You are responsible to fill in the title of the book, how many minutes it was read for, parent initials that show the student did read for this time and student initials. Students may read to themselves, to someone else, or with someone else. We are asking that students read for at least 20 minutes per night. Each Friday (or end of the week if there is no school on Fridays) students are responsible for bringing back their tracking sheet. Ms. Binks and Mr. Fisher will total the number of minutes read for the week. For every 20 minutes, students will receive a marble to put in a jar. When the jar is full, the students who contributed will decided on a reward.

The pink booklet may stay at home. This has information for parents to help students with their reading. There is information about the importance of reading 20 minutes a day as well as questions and strategies to help build comprehension and fluency. We will be using the same strategies outlined in the booklet within the classroom to help students build their reading skills.

If you have any further questions about the home reading program please contact Ms. Binks or Mr. Fisher

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