Wednesday 25 November 2015

Fun lunch is tomorrow

This morning we worked in partners to complete task cards to practice our spelling words! Make sure when you are practicing at home to think about homophones (to, two, too) word families (ake, ice) and how to properly add the ing to words that originally end in e.

We were invited into Mrs. Cokar's kindergarten class to have a chance to be the "big buddies" and read to her students. We were very excited to be in this role. We were asked to share some thoughts about our buddy time. Some ideas we had were:
- It was fun when we reading the books
- I liked that I was reading buddies with my neighbour
- I read to my friend's little sister
- I got a buddy who had the name Max
- I liked that I got to read with my sister
- I liked how my new buddy was

Ms. Binks's class continued their research on gorillas today. We were using a link through the Learn Alberta website. Students were asking how to access this at it is!
Go to
Click on English
Click on the tab Online Reference Centre
Click on Amazing Animals of the World
You may need access to use this site: login: LA06  password: 4105

This afternoon we completed some art inspired by the work of Pablo Picasso. We heard Picasso mentioned in our novel study and wondered why Mac compared Ivan's work to Picasso's. We watched a video of the story When Pigasso Met Mootisse to give us an idea of the style of Picasso. We learned that he had many different styles of art but was best known for Cubism. This style is when you draw or paint an object and show all of its sides to fill up the page. He was also known for abstract art which is art that is not realistic. This can be seen in distorted faces and bodies and use of bright colors. We began to create our own abstract self portraits. To start we had to draw a profile of our face. We then added a new section of the face but this time it was facing forward. We then added in hair, shoulders and a neck. We drew the outline of our face using light coloured pencil crayons. Once our face was drawn we started to use oil pastel to add in bright colors. We will complete our projects tomorrow morning.

- Home reading can be brought in on Friday
- Remember to practice spelling!
- Fun lunch is tomorrow. If you ordered fun lunch please make sure you still bring a snack
- Ms. Binks class has library tomorrow
- We would appreciate more donations towards Movember

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