Thursday 19 November 2015

No Bullies Allowed!!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started with bingo. We used our words from the last couple of weeks. Congratulations to the winners.

After bingo we did our spelling test. Marked tests will be coming home today. Reminder, all of the bonus words build on our spelling words. Use those words to figure out how to spell your words.

For the last few minutes before gym we worked on a template for a shirt that would be used for an anti-bullying campaign. We continued this work after gym.

After recess, room 8 had music and room 7 began work on their animal research project.

We read a story called Howard B. Wigglebottom Listens to His Heart. It is about staying true to yourself even when you are different. Howard really likes to dance but other kids make fun of him. He tries different hobbies to fit in, nothing feels right. His grandfather tells him to "listen to his heart." Howard sticks with dancing and ends up impressing all of his friends.

This afternoon room 8 had library. While they were in library room 7 did health. We learned about our inner coach and our inner critic. Our inner critic tells us mean things about ourself. We can use our inner coach to help when we are having bad thoughts.

We finished our afternoon with a visual representation of a poem about bullying.

Movember is still going on! Room 7 and 8 are currently in the lead for the most money raised. We would love to keep our lead going. Remember, you are voting for the WORST mustache.

Reminder, there is no school for students tomorrow!

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