Monday 16 November 2015

Home reading starts soon!

Good afternoon,

Today we started with morning activity. We did writing about what kind animal we would become if that was possible. We had to explain why and write at least eight sentences. Some of our animals were; a lion, a dinosaur, a great white shark, a white tiger, a dog, a sheep, and a pegasus.

After morning activity we got our new spelling words. It's important to practice the homophones this week because they could be bonus words.

The new spelling words are,


This morning we read more from our novel. We met a new character today who is named Julia. She loves to colour and draw just like Ivan. Ivan loves Julia's imagination. She is able to think of lots of things to draw.

Fun lunch orders are due on Wednesday. We will accept book orders until tomorrow.

Movember is still happening. They are hoping to raise $300. Please donate if you can!

We are starting home reading tomorrow. Please bring in a large ziploc bag for your books. If you have any extra we would appreciate it if your bring them.

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