Monday 23 November 2015

New Word Wall Words

For morning activity this morning we wrote questions to Ms. Zimmerman who will be taking over for Ms. Binks next week. Some of the things that we wondered were:
- What is your favourite color?
- Do you like to paint?
- Do you have any pets? If you do, what type of pets and how many?
- Do you like to read or do math?
- How old are you?
- Do you like sports?
- What is your favourite animal?
- Have you read or watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

We also wanted to tell her about what it is like in grade 2 and Beddington Heights. Our ideas included:
- Welcome to the school
- We do pillars of care and there are 4
- Grade 2s are the best
- This class is crazy
- Grade 2s are working towards showing more respect towards the books that belong to Ms. Binks and Mr. Fisher

We learned a new letter blend today: ow and ou. The action to help us remember this blend sound is to hold our head and say ow! We had to brainstorm words that had the ow or ou sounds in them. Some of our ideas were:
OW: owl, brown, vowel, town, towel
OU: mouse, house, cloud, loud, sound

Mr. Fisher continued to read our novel today. In today's chapters, Ivan drew a beetle. There is also a new animal coming. Stella thinks the new animal is a baby elephant because she told Ivan she could smell it. We talked about how Ivan and Stella were upset about the fact that a baby elephant might be coming because the mall would not have everything the baby needs, it might cry because it is away from its family and Stella's foot hurts so she might not be able to take care of it. We are excited to see what the new animal turns out to be.

Both classes started research projects today about gorillas or dogs. We talked about the importance of picking out the big facts when we are reading information. We practiced reading facts and figuring out what categories the fact could go under when we write it down. We also talked about how to use point form to record the important information. Students will be using computers and books to find information about their animal. We will be creating something later on to teach the other grade 2s about our animal.

We have our new spelling words for the week. They are:
1) place
2) make
3) making
4) help
5) here
6) want
7) nice
8) to
9) two
10) into

We talked about the homophones to, two and too. Please make sure you practice using these words correctly for the spelling test. Too will most likely be a bonus word. Here are some sentences to give examples:
TO: I went to the store to buy groceries.
TWO: I have two older brothers. (the number 2)
TOO: I really like to eat ice cream too. (as well as or in addition to)

- Dental forms are due on November 25
- Please read and review the important information sent home on the yellow forms tonight. We will be continuing to support student safety through discussions and activities this week.
- Fun lunch is on Thursday

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