Friday 27 November 2015

Happy Friday!

Good afternoon,

We started today with morning activity. We had to create a square that was 30cm on all sides. We used a ruler to measure our squares and cut them out.

After morning activity, we played bingo. Congratulations to today's winner. We did our spelling test. The students had to pay close attention to the sentences. The test included the homophones; to, two, too.

After gym we continued reading The One and Only Ivan. We learned more about our new character, Ruby. She is a baby elephant who likes to ask lots of questions. She asked Ivan all about life at the mall. We wrote some predictions about what we think  will happen next in our story.

This afternoon we did a quick read and then we worked on Social Studies. We learned about the province of manitoba. We had to write 5 facts and draw 5 pictures in our sketch books.

After social studies we met up with Mrs. G's class. We used the squares we made this morning to do some measuring. We laid them out to see how big Ivan's domain is. Then, we discussed if we think that is a lot of space or just a little space.

Reminder, t-shirt orders are due Monday!

Have a great weekend!

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