Tuesday 17 November 2015

Home Reading Started

Today for morning activity we had to work through problems involving days of the week and months of the year. We were able to use a yearly calendar to help us find the answers. Some of us are still finding these problems tricky. We will continue to work on this skill for the rest of the week.

This morning Ms. Binks explained our new home reading program and how we can earn marbles towards a reward. Please see the separate blog post for a better explanation.

Today we learned new letter blends for one sound. The blends were "er", "ur" and "ir"
We had to work in partners to brainstorm words that had each of these sounds in them.
For er some words we found were:
- river
- Movember
- November
- her

For ur some words we found were:
- Saturday
- sure
- turn
- your
- fur
- curling

For ir some words we found were:
- Irving
- first
- third
- twirling

We will continue to learn letter blends to help us with our spelling, writing and reading skills.

This afternoon in social studies, we mapped the 3 prairie provinces. They are Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. We also mapped communities in each province which included Calgary, Saskatoon and Winnipeg. We are excited to begin a more in depth look at the prairie community of Calgary in the upcoming weeks.

We will be beginning another project involving Mrs. Grunerts class around our novel study. Students will use their knowledge of measurement to create life-size animals, a domain for Ivan and dioramas. To begin this project we brainstormed ideas about Ivan's domain to complete these sentences:
- Is as big as...
- Is smaller than...
- Is bigger than...

Ask me about some ideas we brainstormed as a class!

- Fun lunch orders are due TOMORROW
- Picture re-takes are tomorrow. Please bring your original proofs with you
- Mr. Fisher's class has library tomorrow
- We are still accepting money for Movember. So far the school has raised $27.00. Our goal is $300.00. We would appreciate any donations to help reach that goal
- Important information about Dental program sent home
- Swimming report cards sent home

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