Monday 30 November 2015

Welcome Ms. Zimmermann!

This morning we met our new teacher, Ms. Zimmermann! We were very excited to hear all about her and ask some questions. Here are things that we learned about her:
- Her favourite colour is green
- She likes to paint
- Her favourite adult book to read is called Rescue Me
- Her favourite kid book to read is called The Day the Crayons Quit
- Her favourite animal is the koala bear
- She likes art like me (Allison)
- She is from Ontario and the rest of her family is still in Ontario
- She loves teaching

We do not have new spelling words this week. Last week was our tenth week of spelling. This week we will be reviewing the 50 words we learned from weeks 5-10. Ms. Binks will post all of these words separately. Please remember that because we do not have school on Friday, our spelling test will be on Thursday.

We continued our research on either gorillas or dogs today. Students have been encouraged to make sure they are focused and writing down information because they will be evaluating themselves and their group members later in the week. We will also begin taking the information we recorded and using it to make a special project to teach the other grade 2s about our animals.

This afternoon we came together with Ms. G's class to do activities around healthy eating. We listened to a story about a goat named Gregory who began to frustrate his parents because of all the things he wanted to eat. We learned from the story that it is important to have good eating habits and a good balance of healthy choices and sometimes choices. After the story we played a game. One of the teachers put a picture of a food on our back. We had to ask other students yes/no questions to try and figure out what food we had. Once we did that, we had to decide what food group our food belonged to. We could choose from meats and alternatives, fruit and vegetables, grains, dairy or other. Some the foods we had included:
- Flour
- Cottage cheese
- Tomatos
- Raspberries
- Peas
- Apples
- Ketchup

After we played the game, we created a sketchbook page to show what we learned. We had to list the food groups, draw 3 foods that belonged in that group and then write one fact. Ask me about some of the foods and facts I included in my sketchbook.

- Book fair starts tomorrow. We will be browsing/buying the book fair during our regular scheduled library times. Students have been asked to bring their money on their library day. The book fair will also be open during conferences
- Booking for conferences is now open. Please make sure you sign up to come either Thursday night or Friday morning
- There is no school for students on Friday

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