Thursday 5 November 2015

Spelling test tomorrow

This morning we did some word work around letter blends. Letter blends are when there are two or more letters that when put together make a sound. The blend we learned about today was "sh" Ask me what sound sh makes. We learned an action to help us remember this sound. We pretended to shave our face while saying the "sh" sound. Then we had to work with a partner to find as many words as we could that begin with an sh, have an sh in the middle and end in sh. Some of the words we came up with were:
- sheep
- shop
- ashes
- ashamed
- bash
- crash

We were excited to see Mr. Sadowsky again for phys ed this morning. We continued to work on the steps and skills we need to throw a ball correctly.

We will be starting a new novel study. Mr. Fisher didn't tell us what the book was but showed us some pictures that have to do with the story. We then had to make predictions based on the pictures. The pictures we were shown were:
1) A ball and chain
2) A mall
3) A paint palette
4) A dog
Ask me about the predictions I made. We will be finding out what the new book is next week.

Both classes had library today. Please make sure you are reading and returning your library books.

This afternoon we started an art project for Remembrance Day. We started to make poppies for a wreath. The steps we finished today was:
1) On a red piece of paper we used red, orange and yellow paint to cover the paper. We had to start in the middle of the page and then pull the paint towards the edge
2) On a small beige piece of paper we used black paint to cover the paper. We did not have to cover the entire piece of paper and were encouraged to have some of the paper showing through.
3) We cut out flower shapes from our red paper
4) We traced circles on our black paper
We will finish our poppies tomorrow

To allow for our paint to dry Mr. Fisher read us a story called: A Bear In War
It was about a little girl who lived in Quebec during World War 1. The story was very interesting because the story was told from the perspective of the little girl's teddy bear. There were lots of great descriptions about what happened during the war and what was happening back home.

Thank you to those students who completed their maps of their bedrooms. Here are a few examples of the excellent work that was brought in from both classes:

- Photo orders are due tomorrow
- Spelling test tomorrow
- We are collecting non perishable food items up to November 11

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