Tuesday 24 November 2015

Ivan's Home

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by doing some writing for morning activity. We wrote about our dream house. We had to include some things we wanted and some things we needed. We talked about the difference between wants and needs.

After morning activity, we did some work on our novel study. We watched a video about Ivan, the real life gorilla that our book is based on. We saw the enclosure Ivan lived in at the mall and talked about the things he had in his enclosure.

Following the video, we made a chart about the different places Ivan has lived. So far we know about two places Ivan has lived. We attached sticky notes to the chart that showed all the things Ivan would have in his domain and in the jungle.

After gym we read a couple of chapters from our book. We met a new character named Ruby, she is a baby elephant. Stella, the older elephant was worried that a baby elephant was being brought to the mall.

We continued working on our animal research project today. The students are finding out lots of good information for their projects.

This afternoon we had a conversation about the recent accident in our community. We gave the students the opportunity to ask questions or discuss how they feel. We gave the students the current facts about the hit and run as they were given to the school. The only things discussed were those in the letter that has been sent out to families. The students were very eager to help the family and want to make cards for the students involved.

We also reviewed the "point, pause, proceed," strategy of crossing the street. We made sure students have a clear understanding of the steps involved. The students brainstormed about what each step entails and created a sketch book page about them.

Remember, our movember fundraiser is still going on! Our class was in the lead but the grade ones have surpassed us. We are challenging students to bring in donations for the rest of this week.

Room 7 has library tomorrow, please remember to bring your book.

If you are returning your dental screening please have it in by tomorrow.

Have a great evening!

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