Tuesday 10 November 2015

No School Tomorrow!

Good afternoon,

This morning we started by counting all of our  Movember donations. Thank you to those students who brought in a dollar to vote! Today, Mr. Sadowsky got the most votes for the the worst mustache. He has a total of 14 votes. Students can continue to bring in donations until the end of the month.

We also counted up all of food bank donations and we got 34 donations which surpassed our goal! Students can continue to bring donations until the end of the week! We would love to see if we could double the 34 items!

After this, we did morning activity. This morning we did problems about the days of the week. Students had to figure out how many days were in 3 weeks, and solve problems where they had to count up on the calendar. Ask your child to show you an example of the problems tonight!

Before we had our Remembrance Day assembly we read a book called "What Does Peace Feel Like?" We wrote and did some drawings about what peace looks like, feels like, smells like, tastes likes, and sounds like. Some examples were:
- Peace feels like the softest bunny
- Peace smells like a pepperoni pizza coming out of the oven
- Peace looks like the sun rising in the sky
- Peace tastes like if you mix chocolate and vanilla ice cream together
- Peace sounds like the water in a waterfall

Our Remembrance Day assembly this morning was very well done by the students in grades 3/4 and 5/6. We heard the poem In Flanders Fields, heard an original song dedicated to fallen soldiers and saw beautiful artwork representing the graves of the unknown soldier. We are hoping that students reflect tomorrow during Remembrance Day.

This afternoon Mr. Fisher continued to read our novel, The One and Only Ivan. We learned more about what Ivan's enclosure looks like. It does not sound like Ivan has the greatest life. For fun he throws "me balls" which are dung balls at the window and also draws. When he gets bored, Ivan eats the crayons he draws his pictures with.

We were very excited to work with our buddies this afternoon. We created pieces of art based around peace. We had to think of a symbol that represents peace. Some of our ideas included a heart, a dove, the peace sign, two hands holding each other, a cross, the Canada flag and a star. Once we chose our symbol, we drew it in our sketch books. We had to make sure it took up our entire page. Then we drew lines through our pictures to create sections. In each section we used patterns and pictures to fill the space. Some examples of our work are shown below:

- There is no school tomorrow! School resumes on Thursday and Friday
- Fun lunch orders are due next Wednesday November 18
- Book orders are due on Friday
- Word wall quiz on Friday
- Both classes will have library on Thursday. Please make sure you return your library books

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